
my inspiration

1:19 AM

hello, i want to share for you some people who inspire me to start blogging, here they are...

Raditya Dika

Ahahahaha i dont know why, i love his blog because the content of the blog is great and funny. i dont know how look of his first blog 'www.kambingjantan.com' i just know his second blog 'www.radityadika.com' i started make a blog because of him when i red his posting in his book (the title is kambing jantan) i think his face is freak but it make him look cute hahaha and i always love his book and his blog. ♥Raditya Dika

Diana Rikasari

She's blog is awesome!! i always love her header. her blog is feminin and i want my blog is like her blog. in her blog is many her fashion diary and she have a shoes online shop the name is 'up'. She is beautiful and fashionista too. i love her blog, clothes, accesories, etc. actually i am envy to her grrrrr. ♥Diana Rikasari

Benazio/Bena Kribo

I love his blog, in his blog he make his emoticon with his face haha and many funny photos and video. and the posting on his blog is funny too more funny than raditya dika's and i always love his curly hair, and his cute face!!! ♥Bena Kribo

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