
Hippie fairy

11:08 AM

Couple days ago was hectic days, doing stuffs for my class yearbook photoshoot. Physically and mentally drained but the result quite good and i couldnt be happier because finally its a wrap..
My class theme was birthday party goes hippies, and i'm soooo happy with that.

The set.

And theres 6 scenes for 6 groups. I love all the idea of the photographer told and its exactly the same what i'm thinking of, thank god, and my group got scene the having-fun-throwing-cake-to-friend scene.. Hahaha wtf

The dress that i wear is h&m, i had huge crush on this dress. Like really huge. But the first time i saw this dress just like dissapointing me because its waaay to expensive and i was like find a way to get the money to buy this dress, saving it and begging to my parents to give addition... Hehehe and after i got the money, i was like giving up all my money on this dress, but got surprised, lucky me it was on discount! Like whattttt i was sooo happy and straight go to fitting room and bought it. But one problem if i want to wear it for yearbook photos this dress is sooo sexy. Soo i went to thrift store in bogor and got this knitted cardigan just for 35k and just like snap it fits with the dress. I'm soooo happy. Never been so happy wearing a dress.

It feels like a fairy wearing this dress.. Soooo happy

Thankyou classmates, XII IPA 2 for the great times. I hope to see you guys soon in the future and we already achieve something good that makes everyone's proud

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