
Tu Tauzen Fiftin

4:41 AM

Happy new year 2015 y'all!

New year i hope its new beginning for everything. Wish me tons of luck because this year is important year for me and my friendss.
Everything is gonna be alright.
I'm special, embrace yourself fy! You deserve better and you can do this!
New year, new me!
YEAYYY 2015 please be niceeeee

Celebrate NYE at Wina's house with 17 friends. We were barbequing, watch movies, chit chatting and makes new friends for me hehe. It was fun, warm and nice :)
The first day of 2015 at Bogor we enjoy it in cold weather because raining all day. Alhamdulillah :)

Also prays goes out to all family and friends of victim Air Asia accident. Rest in Peace :(

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